Autumn comes to Chigwell

Autumn comes to Chigwell

Autumn is a magical time in England. Described by the famous poet John Keats as a “season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”, the autumn is an especially delightful season to explore the natural beauty of the Essex countryside surrounding Chigwell. As the summer fades away a spectacular transformation begins to take place. In Hainault Forest the rich green leaves gradually turn to gold and copper. Some are heavy with autumn fruits such as the wild pear found at Hainault Lodge Nature Reserve as well as crab apples and sweet chestnuts. Hedgerows light up with berries including bright red rowan berries and hawthorn berries, and with delicious wild blackberries and mulberries.
Here at Chigwell Tours and Visits we love to show our guests the beauty of Essex in autumn; although Chigwell Village is just a short ride from central London on the Underground, the difference between the autumn-grey of the city and the enchanting changing colours of the landscape in this corner of rural Essex is remarkable. Local farmers have harvested their fields, which are now dotted with golden bales of hay creating a picturesque scene beneath clear blue autumn skies.
Even in southern England, which is noted for its sunshine, autumn can bring rain. But rain is no problem for Chigwell Tours; there are plenty of fascinating places for us to visit in and around the charming villages of Chigwell, Theydon Bois and Lambourne End. If the rain is just a passing shower you might spend a while enjoying a drink or a bite to eat in one of our magnificent and historic inns, where you’ll be following in the footsteps of Charles Dickens, Sir Winston Churchill and the legendary outlaw Dick Turpin. Alternatively you could explore Saint Mary’s Church on Chigwell’s High Street which dates back to 1160AD and contains examples of some of the finest artwork and furnishings to be found in England.
Whatever the weather this autumn, Chigwell Tours and Visits welcomes you to join us on a comfortable, entertaining and unforgettable journey through a county we’re very proud of. We’ll show you historic highlights, natural wonders, spectacular landscapes and the homes and haunts of Chigwell’s famous residents past and present. If we haven’t yet persuaded you of the beauty and joy of an English autumn, we’ll leave the last word to our old friend Charles Dickens:
“On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads, as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels .

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